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Greetings of Christ's Peace and Joy! Hope you all had a blessed week. Thanks
In her own words, St. Therese wrote in her autobiography, Story of A Soul, the following words on love: How shall I show my love is proved by deeds? Well - the little child will
strew flowers...she will embalm the Divine Throne with their fragrance,
will sing with silvery voice the canticle of love. Peace ~ Fr. Francis Parish Vision To be Jesus Christ in Chinatown Values Love, Faith, Community, Diversity, Ministry, Charity, Commitment, Growth "The disciple simply burns his boats and goes ahead. He is called out… The old life is left behind, and completely surrendered. The disciple is dragged out of his relative security into a life of absolute insecurity… out of the realm of the finite… into the realm of infinite possibilities." Prayer to Holy Family
+ ******* Faith and Charity *******
In his Holiness, Benedict XVI's Lenten message: "The celebration of Lent, in the context of the Year of Faith, offers us a valuable opportunity to meditate on the relationship between faith and charity … The Christian life consists in continuously scaling the mountain to meet God and then coming back down, bearing the love and strength drawn from him, so as to serve our brothers and sisters with God's own love … In the Church, contemplation and action, symbolized in some way by the Gospel figures of Mary and Martha, have to coexist and complement each other."
Please join us, as a faith community, to set aside an hour once a month, to offer it in silent meditation before the Blessed Sacrament, and to pray together— the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
The fruit of Silence is prayer. The fruit of Prayer is faith. The fruit of Faith is love. The fruit of Love is service. The fruit of Service is peace. ~Mother Teresa + A Prayer to Our Lady of Sheshan
Virgin Most Holy, Mother of the Incarnate Word and our + RCIA AND EVANGELIZATION
What brings you great joy as missionary disciple? Is it when a friend finally decides to join St. Therese Parish for Welcome Sunday? Or, perhaps, are you uplifted when a passer-by at the summer fair spontaneously invites you to pray for them? This past week I was privileged to take part in two beautiful moments of joy with fellow missionary disciples from St. Therese. This week, you see, they found out that the people they had been accompanying had decided to join the RCIA. What joy! What struck me in both of these unique evangelization narratives was the fact that unconditional love--not success--undergirds the faith witnesses of these two St. Therese parishioners. As St. Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians, "Rejoice in the Lord always, I shall say it again, rejoice!" It seems to me that the "yes" to RCIA from both of these instances did not come about solely because of their compelling rhetoric or refined evangelization techniques, but rather simply because of their faith. When we abandon ourselves to the faith and sincerely try to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as active members of our faith community, we can expect our community to organically grow. Faith can move a mountain, according to Matthew. Please pray for me as I will be in Venezuela this week with my wife. You can expect the next RCIA bulletin article after the summer fair. God Bless ~ Thomas Howard, Director of Religious Education +
+ Parish Transformation Team will meet on Tuesday June 7th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the Santa Maria Room.
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做灵修上的管家 凯撒玲·冯(Kathryn Fong) (我们堂区宗教教育计划的一位学生)
在我们的信仰中,礼仪与圣经都极其重要, 它们是我们的生命与力量。从我在弥撒中所承 担的牧职的小小经验中,我已了解到读经员起 着非常重要的作用,而且他们在读经前要作许 多准备工作。读经员不仅是在宣讲天主圣言, 而且为了能宣讲好天主圣言,他们必须意识并 理解自己所读的内容。天主教徒团聚一堂举行 感恩祭,当读经员宣读圣经时,他们必须把自 己的信仰和宣读的技能两者结合起来,因为从 某种程度上来说,他们的宣读将为天主临于信 徒中所产生的影响力负有责任。
能对不同的圣经更加关注了;我非常仔细地阅 读圣经,并确保我对所读的内容都能理解。
今年,我对坚振圣事也增进了了解,我感到自己在信仰上得到了更进一步的指导。从对圣经的种种讨论,到在日常生活中 的宗教相关性,我都学到了许多知识,而这一切让我对自己的日常生活以及复活的主是如何通过我运作的,都作出了思考。 而在每主日的弥撒中,我也能感到这种关联,通过这信仰团体,我们理解了天主正在并永远在我们中间看着我们,并教导 我们做一个最好的自我。我已知道做一个好天主教徒是什么意思,我也学到了耶稣为我们所树立的榜样以及祂为我们所作 出的牺牲;以及我们作为天主的孩子能为传扬福音和分享天主的救恩工程做些什么。我们在课上所学到的内容以及我们坦 诚的讨论在我的生活中都给了我极大的帮助,因为这一切让我对诸多问题——如我对自己所作出的选择,对我所选择保持 的友谊关系,以及我愿意成长为怎样的人等——进行了仔细的思考。尽管有时候我感到做一个天主教徒并不容易,我们的 欲望有时候会与我们的信条发生冲突,但我越来越意识到天主永远宽恕我们的罪,并且正是我们对基督的信仰,让我能坚 持不懈地尽可能做到最好。
坚振圣事是一件重要的圣事,因为它帮助我更深入地与基督一起活在这个社会和世界上。通过领受坚振圣事,我相信我个 人与基督的关系也得到了强固。我将继续在自己的生活中不断为主作见证,不断赞美天主;我要牢牢地记住我在宗教课程 上所获得的美好记忆与知识,并期待着向他人分享基督的教导和圣言。 + Young Adults Meeting with Fr. Li:
All Young Adults are invited to an informal meeting with Fr. Li today from 11am to 12 noon. Please come and share your wisdom on how St. Therese can serve our Young Adults better in your spiritual needs, and the programs St. Therese can offer. + HAVE YOU SIGNED UP??? SUMMER FAIR IS ONLY 1 WEEK AWAY!
Donations are welcome! Your help is very much needed & appreciated! Please sign up at the church entrance table and be a part of the FUN fundraising efforts! See Chris Lowe for any questions or concerns. + $8 PRE-SALE MEAL TICKETS AVAILABLE
Complimentary drink with pre-sale tix. + $10—50/50 RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE!
YOU HAVE TO PLAY TO WIN!!! Get your tickets after the 9:30am Mass from Gemma, or from the church office. + ATTENTION TEENS between the ages of 13-17:
Join St. Therese Youth Ministry on Friday, July 15th from 4:30 to 6:15 in the Community Room. We are preparing for Summer Fair. Please contact Pat Culen or email him at patrick.culen@ecolab.com with any questions. + Wedding Bands
Ellen Sidorski and Jason Mui will be married at St. Therese on Saturday, July 16th. Please keep them in your prayers. + Parish Transformation Implementation
Part of the Parish Transformation process was to look closely at our parish's finances. Our PT team has identified "matching gifts" as a way to increasing our offerings. Thanks to Steven Casey for sharing his wisdom with us on this. Below are some main points from him. MATCHING GIFTS EXPLAINED Matching gifts are a great way for the Parish to raise additional funds for any projects or fundraising goals we may have. Matching gifts can double or even triple the amount of the original contribution! WHAT IS A MATCHING GIFT? Many employers sponsor matching gift programs for charitable contributions made to 501(c)(3) charities. Check with your company to find out whether they will match your contribution. If you have questions about your company's matching gift program, please contact your personnel representative. Request the appropriate form from your human resources office and send it with a copy of your gift receipt to the Parish Office to have your place of employment match your gift dollar for dollar. HOW DO MATCHING GIFTS WORK? Every company handles their matching gift program differently. It will be up to you to inquire the specifics for what their company requires to match their donation. Often the process is as follows:
+ Baptism
Please pray for Sofia Soto Wipachit, daughter of Anoa Wipachit and Yolanda Soto, who will be baptized today at 12:30 pm in our church. + The Prayer/Faith Sharing group
will meet on Friday, July 15th at 7pm in the Community Room. Pray with scripture and be closer to Jesus. All are invited to join. + BULLETIN ADS WANTED!
Placing ads in our church bulletin is a very cost effective way for businesses to reach potential customers. The income generated from these ads support our parish. It is a great way to help St. Therese. The ads run 365 days a year at very low cost. If you know of any business that can benefit from this reach, please refer them to the church office (312-842-6777). Thanks for your help! + Reading Laudato Si
Please do all possible to read and understand Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si, prior to Sister Dawn Nothwehr's upcoming follow up presentation to Dr. Mark Potosnak's recent talk. You can hear Sister Dawn's WBEZ Chicago Public Radio interview regarding the encyclical at https://soundcloud.com/morningshiftwbez/popes-encyclical-takes-on Sister Caritas will be working with us in Laudato Si reading groups in coming weeks. The book is only 128 pages long and available free online : w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html OR 《願祢受讚頌》Laudato Si' | 論愛惜我們共同的家園 http://laudato-si.catholic.org.hk/ + NOTICE: ISSUANCE OF NEW PARKING PERMITS FOR CHURCH LOT
We are in the process of issuing new parking permits for the St. Therese Church Parking Lot, effective September 1, 2016. Permits are issued only to registered parishioners and school staff, and are non- transferable. The new permit is green in color and the fee is $30, renewable every 2 years. Soon you will be receiving in the mail, a letter of renewal notice, and the Parking License Permit application agreement. For your convenience, a table will be set up in the community room to obtain the new permit on Saturday, August 27th, after the 5:00pm Mass, and Sunday, August 28th, after the 8am and 9:30am Masses, until 2pm. If you cannot make it on these dates, please stop by the church office with your completed application and the $30 fee to obtain the new permit. Beginning on September 1, 2016, your yellow permit will no longer be valid. Any vehicle failing to display the new GREEN permit after this date will be towed at the owner's expense. Please contact the church office if you have any questions or concerns. + ATTENTION TEENS between the ages of 13-17:
Join St. Therese Youth Ministry on Fridays from 4:30 to 6:15 in the Community Room. We will be preparing for Summer Fair. Dates: June 3rd, June 10th, June 17th, June 24th, July 8th, July 15th. Please contact Pat Culen after mass or email him at patrick.culen@ecolab.com with any questions. + MEAT STRINGING! HELP IS NEEDED!
On Thursday, June 23rd, we will be gathering for our annual BBQ meat stick stringing event. Please join us at 6 pm, and remember...the more people that show up, it will lessen the load for each person...so bring a friend! + MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The annual Chinatown Summer Fair is SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016. Our booth is one of the parish's biggest fundraising events. Please save the date and plan on being a volunteer. Your help is needed! Stay tuned for more information! + Summer Fair Ministry Booth + Online Giving with GiveCentral
+ www.givecentral.org
+ 30th Annual National Social Action Summer Institute at Saint Xavier University
+ What do you know about
![]() + Mercy Challenge
"To live intentionally and participate in the Renew My Church movement, invite someone who doesn't attend mass to join you! Creating a welcoming environment to newcomers may be a small gesture on your part, but a big influence for those ready to begin their journey with Christ." ~Deacon Keith Strohm is the director of the Office for the New Evangelization. + Examining my Fiscal Conscience before Mass
By Tom Howard When the collection basket comes my way, I rarely am caught off guard. You see, my dad trained me at a very young age what to do when the basket comes my way. I received my first box of envelopes when I was 11 years old. This was a cool way to say thank you to Jesus. It was a big deal for me. As an adult I have grown and matured in ways to be generous in parish life. Examining my conscience a few minutes before the collection basket comes in front of me always seems to help. I usually do it before I write my check. Over the years this practice of mine has grown into a habit. This habit, in turn has helped me identify a few key reflection questions. I share them here with you and hope they are helpful:
The gold standard I strive for when reflecting on these stewardship questions is the poor widow found in Mark 12:41. This poor widow was admired by Jesus because she made a total self-donation of herself to her community. "She, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood." 弥撒前,省察我的奉献意识 (我没有译成"财经意识"或"金钱意识",因我觉得更应强调的是一个人的"奉献精神") Tom Howard 著 弥撒中,当奉献篮传到我这儿的时候,我很少会猝不及防。你知道,父亲从小就培养我,当奉献篮传到我面前时该如何做。 我11岁时,第一次收到了我的信封盒。这是以一种很酷的方法向耶稣说"谢谢祢"。对我来说,这是一件了不起的大事。 当我成人后,我不断成长,变得越来越成熟,我以多种方法慷慨地投入到堂区生活中。 在奉献篮还没有传到我这儿之前,先花几分钟省察一下我的意识,永远是大有助益的。而我通常在写支票之前做这件事。多年下来,我的这一实践已成了一种习惯。反过来,这种习惯又帮助我辨识几个关键的反省题。在此,我把这几个题目与你一起分享,愿它们对你有所帮助。
在我反省这些管家身份的问题时,我努力遵奉的"黄金标准"(或"金本位")就是马尔谷福音第12章第41-44节中的那位穷寡妇。耶稣赞扬这位穷寡妇,因为她把自己所有的一切都奉献给了她的团体。"……这寡妇却由自己的不足中,把所有的一切,全部的生活费,都投上了 + MISSION PRAYER
Good and Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of your love in our lives. We ask you to bless our parish as we prepare for our Parish Mission. We give you thanks for the many blessings you have bestowed on our community. We pray that our Parish Mission will be a time of renewal for all of us. Open our hearts to hear your word and lead us to finding your presence in all that we do. May our Parish Mission strengthen our community in living and professing our faith so that we may be a beacon of hope to those who come to us. Help us to cherish your love and give witness to your saving grace among us. May our parish be protected from all harm and grow in the service of your name. We ask this through Christ our Lord... Amen. + Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network
The Catholic Conference of Illinois represents the Catholic Church at the Illinois Capitol, advocates for legislation that respects life and human dignity, the integrity of the family and marriage, and Catholic education and social services. The CCI has developed and maintains a grassroots email advocacy network called the Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network, or I-CAN for short. Archbishop Cupich recorded a short video promoting I-CAN to encourage Catholics to sign up for the network which is found at https://youtu.be/ruNHMrmH1XE. To join I-CAN or to learn more about the efforts of CCI, please access this link, www.ilcatholic.org/take-action/join-i-can/. + PRAYER INTENTION:
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Larry Kirwan, our longtime friend and parishioner. Larry was a dedicated parishioner for over 40 years, and an usher at St. Therese for over 30 years. His funeral mass was last Saturday at our church. May he rest in eternal peace. + Please pray for the following Mercy Hospital Patients:
Cathy, Samuel, Iona, Roberto, Avis, Joe, Anete, Lolita, John, William, Jackie, Angela, William, Linda, Karla, Annie, Ronald, Alphonso, Dannie, Ida, Lynda, Henry, Crystal, James, Gertie, Carolyn Keith, John, Marissa, Shirley, Ozell, Channice, Janis, Reginald, Rizwan, Paul, Clara, Nellie, Clifton + Spiritual Stewardship as a Catechist
I am Janet Fecteau, and I have had the joy and privilege of serving as a catechist for the past three years at St. Therese Church. I teach children in levels 4, 5 and 6 of our parish religious education program. As much as I like working with children, I became a catechist in large part to learn more about our faith. While I was raised Catholic and have been a practicing Catholic, I didn't feel confident in explaining the faith in depth. Additionally, I had only a rudimentary knowledge of scripture and Church tradition and I found these areas especially interesting. I knew that if I was instructing others, I would have to deepen my understanding of the catechism. For anyone who is interested in deepening their knowledge of the catechism, I strongly urge considering serving as a catechist. Our program has instructional books that include lesson plans and activities. The Archdiocese provides training and is making it easier than ever with its roll-out of online courses. Perhaps you may want to help, but cannot commit to being a full-time catechist. Substitute catechists serve a vital role in filling in when the regular catechist cannot be there. Assistant catechists help with the younger children who often need personalized attention. Guest catechists provide the students with a new perspective and keep our program classes fresh. Also, there are roles in helping with adult catechesis and faith formation. Now that I've been a catechist for a few years, it is very rewarding to see the students that I taught become confirmed and continue their faith as young adults. I look forward to learning the wonderful ways they are making a positive impact as adults. If you would like to learn more about being a catechist, I would be happy to discuss how this form of spiritual stewardship may be right for you. + FREE Books and Audio CDs are placed on the entrance table for you to pick.
+ In Pope Francis' own words from his speech to Congress Sept. 24, 2015
"Let us remember the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' ...The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. This conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes. Recently my brother bishops here in the United States renewed their call for the abolition of the death penalty. Not only do I support them, but I also offer encouragement to all those who are convinced that a just and necessary punishment must never exclude the dimension of hope and the goal of rehabilitation." here + CHICAGO COMMISSION ON HUMAN RELATION (CCHR)
is the enforcement arm of the City of Chicago's Discrimination Laws, assists Hate Crime Victims, provides Community Tension Intervention and Educational Workshops for Youth and Adults. It investigates complaints of discrimination in employment, housing, access to public places and services, and credit. It has enforcement powers to punish acts of discrimination. To report acts of discrimination, call 312-744-4111. They provide service in Chinese too. Flyers are available at the Church entrance table. For more information go to: www.cityofchicago.org/humanrelations. + BEATIFICATION OF POPE PAUL VI
On October 19, Pope Francis celebrated the closing Mass of the Synod on the Family and the beatification of Pope Paul VI. Read more on The Synod of Bishops on the family on Catholic News Service's special site. Read how Pope Paul influenced an American bishop and about his emphasis on peace and justice issues + Humility
As we labor for the spread of love and the protection of life, late Rafael Cardinal Merry Del Val's Litany of Humility can be our daily recitation: "O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, from the desire of being esteemed, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being loved, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being extolled, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being honored, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being praised, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being preferred to others, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being consulted, deliver me, Jesus; from the desire of being approved, deliver me, Jesus. From the fear of being humiliated, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of being despised, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of suffering rebukes, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of being calumniated, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of being forgotten, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of being ridiculed, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of being wronged, deliver me, Jesus; from the fear of being suspected, deliver me, Jesus. That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be chosen and I set aside, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be praised and I unnoticed, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be preferred to me in everything, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it." + 'CLASSES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN'
+ Pope Francis on Family
On his visitation to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day XXVIII, he chastised a world civilization for making money into a god and its dismissive attitude toward the elderly: "You could easily think there is a kind of hidden euthanasia, that is, we don't take care of the elderly; but there is also a cultural euthanasia, because we don't allow them to speak, we don't allow them to act." Hours before, noting it was the Feast of Joachim and Anne, Mary's parents, and Grandparent's Day, the Pope catechized: "How important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society! How important it is to have intergenerational exchanges and dialogue, especially within the context of the family." When nations are busy deconstructing the family, enacting euthanasia laws and promoting euthanasia sentiments, viewing the elderly as "unproductive" burdens, rejecting religious values treasured by the elderly as suitable foundations for societal norms, lynching conscience rights, and, ultimately, depriving citizens of wisdom which knows how ruinous these godless currents are, the Pope rightly exhorts the elderly "not cease to be the cultural storehouse of our people, a storehouse that hands on justice, hands on history, hands on values, hands on the memory of the people." Marriage Issues – You probably have heard of the Supreme Court decision on Defense of Marriage Act. It is only the beginning. Brian Burch of catholicvote.org describes: "the Court invalidated a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and rejected the right of the people to defend a law passed by millions of citizens in California. The Court ducked the question of whether Proposition 8 in California is constitutional – and most importantly, did not create a constitutional right to same-sex marriage." Larry O' Neill author of the "Catholic Vote" states: "Both these are limited court rulings … not Roe vs. Wade type decrees that effect the whole country. In fact …The Prop 8 decision does not even address the merits of the case for or against marriage." In a scathing dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia said: "The majority concludes that the only motive for this Act was the 'bare ... desire to harm a politically unpopular group.' Ante, at 20. Bear in mind that the object of this condemnation is not the legislature of some once-Confederate Southern state…but our respected coordinate branches, the Congress and Presidency of the United States. Laying such a charge against them should require the most extraordinary evidence, and I would have thought that every attempt would be made to indulge a more anodyne explanation for the statute." Read more on: www.catholicvote.org; www.ilcatholic.org; www.usccb.org. + Planning Masses
If you would like your family to participate in the July 2016 planning Mass, please contact Sr. Caritas. + Public Parking Meters— is not FREE anymore on Sundays
+ The Women's Center News
We are happy to pass on your used baby equipment to mothers who cannot afford to buy it. Our need is great because we have two distribution centers. We have a great need for 6 strollers, 3 double strollers, 3 bassinets, 4 bouncers, 6 pack n plays, 2 high chairs, 3 changing tables, 2 wheeled walkers and 6 infant car seats. It will be a great help if you can deliver these to us. For our address, or if a pick-up by a volunteer is needed, please call 773-794-1313. Diapers in sizes 1, 4, 5 and 6 are urgently needed. We also need gently used winter coats for all ages, boys winter clothing for ages 18 months and older and girls clothing for ages 18 months through 24 months. These must be delivered to us unless accompanied by baby furniture. The families who receive these things are grateful for your generosity. Call 773-794-1313 for our address. Please consider hosting a diaper drive or shower as a Confirmation project, for Scouts, service hours, etc. For information call Jackie at 773-794-8807 or email jkeenan@womens-center.org. + Bulletin Ads Wanted Placing ads in our church bulletin is a very cost effective way for businesses to reach potential customers. It is also a great way to support St. Therese. The ads run 365 days a year at very low cost. If you know of any business that can benefit from this reach, please refer them to the church office (312-842-6777). Thanks for your help! + Respect Life News The Hype – On the controversy over Pope Francis' so-called softening on the gay issue, the Archdiocese Respect Life Office Director Margie Breen comments, "… if the media had covered Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well ..., they probably would have said that Jesus softened his stance on the sins of adultery and fornication. I don't think that they understand that with Catholic teaching comes a pastoral component, calling believers to meet people where they are at. We are supposed to walk with folks on their faith journey as others have walked with us. Remember, we are all sinners in need of God's mercy." has resources to serve teens, women and their families facing unplanned pregnancies. We're here to help, without pressuring you. We can talk about your options as you plan for your child's future. We can help you whether you decide to parent your child, or make a plan of adoption. If you are not sure what to do, our 24-hour hotline has caring & professional counselors available to help you. Our services are free and confidential.
Call 1-800-CARE-002 or 312-454-1717 or visit www.facebook.com/CCofChicagoAdoptionServices
+ Support the Campaign to Help Save Our Religious Freedom As part of the Fortnight for Freedom, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is launching a nationwide text messaging campaign, asking Catholics across the country to text the word FREEDOM to 377377. This nationwide network will allow the USCCB to engage directly with Catholics around the country as threats to religious freedom emerge on the national, state and local level. If all Catholics in the country sign up via their mobile phones, it can create the most impactful advocacy networks in the country. + Free Bible we thank the CityOf.com for donated 100 copies of Bible to our parish. If you need a Catholic version of the Bible, please pick up a copy after mass today. + Conversational English We are still offering conversational English classes four times a week and are now accepting new students for the Spring sessions. If interested, please sign up at the church entrance table. Schedules can be worked out with the instructors. + Ministry of Care We need Ministers of Care to bring the Eucharist to hospitalized and homebound parishioners. If you are trained or would like to be trained in this Ministry, please contact Fr. Li or Sr. Caritas. + ST. THERESE CHURCH WANTS TO HELP! ![]() Do you come to church only on Easter and Christmas? Or not at all? Are you facing a life altering event: getting married, having a baby, having lost or in the process of losing a loved one, or dealing with a health diagnosis that is frightening? These are situations that need to be faced, either enjoyed and cherished or met with strength and action. Maybe it is time to go back to your roots as a Catholic to help you deal with these life altering situations. St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church is a Landings parish. Landings was started by Paulist Fathers to help non-practicing Catholics explore their faith and return to the Church in a nonthreatening way. It is a way to share, to be heard and to listen to faith journeys of a group of inactive and active Catholics. All this is conducted with compassionate listening and utmost confidentiality. If you are ready to consider returning to the Church, we are here to give you a helping hand and ensure your safe landing! Our spring sessions of 1½ hours a week for 8 to 10 weeks will start on Thursday, May 17th at 6:30pm in the St. Francis Assisi room at our church, located at 218 W. Alexander St., Chicago IL 60616. We offer sessions in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. For more information please contact either Sr. Anji Fan or Cita Orendain at our parish office: 312-842-6777 or email us at: landingsatsttherese@gmail.com. If you know of inactive Catholics, please pass this on to them. Landingswas created more than 20 years ago by the late Fr. Jac Campbell, a Paulist priest. He designed it for lay active Catholics to welcome, or "love back" inactive Catholics to the church. It was founded on the belief that we do not have to be trained theologians to share what we believe and to speak honestly about our faith, trusting in the Holy Spirit (from Landings International website). Since it started, over 1.5 million Catholics have returned to the Church through Landings. Landings is the time for someone who has been away from the Church to explore his/her faith and future within the Church. It is a gentle way to connect with lay people who are steadfast in their faith and who practice it. Questions from the inactive Catholic are welcome and will be answered in light of an active Catholic's faith experience with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Questions that require deeper theological knowledge will be referred to the pastor. There is a facilitator, a time keeper, a prayer leader and someone to bring the refreshments. A Participant's Journal is given to each participant in the first Landings session. Each participant is asked to read it carefully, a few days before each session. The Journal gives the full schedule of a Landings meeting. It also has 8 to 10 Catholic themes, 1 for each meeting, with references, to help participants understand and reflect on Church teachings and on how the faith is practiced. Please bear in mind that Landings is not a counseling session or group therapy. It is simply a way for inactive Catholics to discern if coming back to the church is for him/her by listening, sharing and asking questions of active Catholics who are committed to loving them back to the Church. + The United States Council of Catholic Bishops Postcard Campaign The St. Therese Respect Life Ministry is participating in this campaign to (1) Prevent federal funding and promotion of abortion and (2) Protect rights of conscience in health care. + Family: The Foundation of Society "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." (Matthew 25:35)
The USCCB states that preserving family unity is the cornerstone of comprehensive immigration reform. Please let our elected officials know we support family union. Send an e-postcard to the U.S. Senate and Congress asking that they pass immigration reform that includes family reunification at www.justiceforimmigrants.org/ Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education + Donations Now Accepted Online Our parish is now able to accept donations online through PayPal. Please visit our church website at http://www.sttheresechinatown.org/church_home.html or in this page and you will see the yellow "DONATE" button at the bottom of the page. How to Maximize your PayPal Donations in 4 Easy Steps
Our parish is now able to accept donations online through PayPal! Please go to www.paypal.com, or visit our church website at http://www.sttheresechinatown.org/church_home.html and click on any yellow "PAYPAL" button.
The above steps should now show that the fee is $0 to both parties, and your donation will be sent 100% to St. Therese only! + Does your company match donations? Remember to check if your company matches donations - your gift could be multiplied! + Parking If you are doubled-parked in our parking lot, please leave your phone number on your dashboard. This is so that the owners of the blocked cars can contact you in case they leave before you. + "Do everything calmly and peacefully. Do as much as you can as well as you can. Strive to see God in all things without exception, and consent to His will joyously. Do everything for God, uniting yourself to him in word and deed. Walk very simply with the Cross of the Lord and be at peace with yourself." - St. Francis de Sales
+ Praying for Immigrants The Office of Immigration of the Archdiocese of Chicago sponsors weekly prayers every Friday at 7:15am Prayer Vigil, to end deportations and Immigration Reform at Broadview Immigrant Detention Center, 1930 S. Beach Street, Broadview, IL + HOPE: An Immigrant Story "I was a stranger and you welcomed me.."(Matthew 25:35) + Sunday Mass at Mercy Home on WGN! The Sunday Mass at Mercy Home moves to WGN, Channel 9 beginning on January 6th. Sunday Mass can be seen every Sunday from 9:30-10:00 a.m. + Upcoming Special Events and Schedule + HELP STOP GUN VIOLENCE! In addition to prayer and learning about the problem of gun violence, one way we can ACT, today, to save the lives of our children is to support the passage of the Certificate of Handguns Registration Act (HB5831). Petitions can be found at the church entrance table. Please sign & support this bill to help STOP GUN VIOLENCE! + Words from a new choir member.... Can't sing? I didn't think I could, either. I had every excuse - I can't sing, I don't know how to sing, I can't read sheet music. None of that matters. What matters is that I like singing and that I like spending time with people in the choir. Lily and Kimberly took care of the rest. They are teaching me how to read music, how to hear the right note, and how to sound great with everyone else. Best part is - I am having fun. If you were hesitant to join the choir for these reasons, please reconsider! You are welcome and we want you to join the choir. If you are afraid, feel free to talk to me about it! ...or at least sing during Mass! + Televised SUNDAY MASS! A televised Sunday Mass is now airing on ABC Family from 5:30 to 6:30am each Sunday Morning. THE SUNDAY MASS is produced by the Passionist Fathers & Brothers out of New York City. + Please remember in your prayers those who are ill, hospitalized, and homebound... + Accompanying Jesus even in busy life + Office for Immigrant Affairs & Immigration Education + Marriage and the Supreme Court + WELCOMING RETURNING CATHOLICS + Mary, the Immaculate Conception + Can Saying the Rosary Renew our Lives in Christ? + Monies: A REFLECTION ON GRATITUDE To be grateful is to recognize the LOVE of GOD in everything He has given us— and He has given us EVERYTHNG. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him. ~Thomas Merton If we should deal out justice only, in this world, who would escape?
No, it is better to be generous, and in the end more profitable, for it gains gratitude for us, and love. ~Mark Twain
We greatly appreciate the generosity of parishioners and friends of St. Therese Parish. Please consider giving one hour of your weekly salary as your contribution. May God bless your generosity! and THANK YOU! |
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