Finance Council
Financial Report for the Six Months Ending 12/31/10

Annual Financial Report For The Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/10

Six Month Financial Report
It is with great pride to be able to present the six month financial report to you. These numbers really represent the greatness and generosity of our parishioners’. This is a very special place; a “family-style” parish where the financial burden is shouldered by a few dedicated families that share the ultimate common bond through Jesus Christ.
As you can see we have improved a little bit over last year. We have come a long way and still have a long way to go.
On the school side attendance has increased to about 260 students. That has helped raise more tuition, fees and fundraising dollars without a lot of added expense. The school has budgeted for a modest increase in tuition next year less out of need but due to the decreasing availability of seats in each classroom. For those interested in registering your child please contact the office of the school.
On the church side, we have seen a small increase in weekly collections. The Christmas collection broke a record this year. Thank you to all who participated.
As this year progresses we will need to build a fund to repair the roof of the church and replace the boiler at the school. These are our immediate challenges. We all can help overcome these by participating in the following action items.
Action Items:
- Since the cost of basic items continues to rise (gas, electricity, food etc.) increase your weekly donation by $5, $10 or $20 if you can afford to. We – meaning all of us – make up the parish. So if we all increase our weekly donation a little bit then the increased costs are spread evenly.
- Use The Green Envelope – This reduces the tax burden on the parish assessed by the archdiocese. We realize it is a little extra effort, but it can save us hundreds of dollars a year.
- Participate and promote any special fundraising efforts for these necessary repairs.
- If you have contact names, addresses, emails of interested or past parishioners, please forward them to the rectory so we can contact them from time-to-time with news from the parish.
- Don’t be shy about inviting friends and neighbors to attend services here. As you know, this is a friendly place with plenty of parking for the 5:00 pm Saturday and 8:00am Sunday masses.
Thank you for your continued support. May God bless you and your family.
Nick Andriacchi
On behalf of the Finance Council
June - Dec. |
June - Dec.
June - Dec. |
Total Church Revenue |
97,476 |
109,025 |
86,297 |
Total Church Expenses |
93,457 |
108,117 |
96,935 |
Church Net Operating Excess(Deficit) |
4,019 |
908 |
-10,638 |
Total School Revenue |
631,985 |
549,027 |
614,646 |
Total School Expenses |
564,738 |
553,140 |
493,550 |
School Net Operating Excess(Deficit) |
67,247 |
(4,113) |
121,096 |
Parish Net Operating Excess(Deficit) |
71,266 |
(3,205) |
110,458 |