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Why do we suffer?

“I suffer so much, and I see others suffering even more. Why must we suffer?“

Suffering is a mystery. Sometimes suffering is our own fault, but more of­ten it's beyond our control.

Most suffering is inflicted on us from outside; it just is, and many times no one or nothing is to blame.

God did not create us and the world only to abandon us. God is present and active in the world, suffering with us like a parent who suffers with a beloved child. Just knowing we are not alone and that God understands and loves us seems to help us make it through times of suffering.

It also helps if we can find meaning in our suffering. In union with Jesus, we can endure suffering in solidarity with all who are in pain. Try to focus on the redemptive aspect of suffering: In his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus has shown us a way through suffering and death-not around it-to new life and joy.