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Some Information about our Archdiocese


Established as a diocese in 1843 and as an Archdiocese in 1880, the Archdiocese of Chicago serves more than 2.3 million Catholics in Cook and Lake Counties in Northeastern Illinois, a geographic area of 1,411 square miles.

The Archdiocese is divided into six vicariates and 25 deaneries. This local church is pastored by Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., assisted by six Episcopal Vicars, each responsible for a vicariate (region).


Catholic Population:
2,342,000. Catholic Population as percentage of total population of Cook and Lake counties: 39%

Racial/Ethnic composition of Catholic
White: 1,194,000 - 51%
Hispanic: 938,000 - 40.1%
African American: 92,000 - 3.9%
Asian/other: 104,000 - 4.4%
Multi Racial: 14,000 - 0.6%

Parishes: 364

Baptisms: 40,100
First Communions: 28,300
Confirmations: 21,700
Weddings: 7,800
Funerals: 15,300

Scheduled Masses
Weekend Masses Scheduled in Parishes and Missions: 1,741
English: 1,348
Spanish: 261
Polish: 90
Other Languages (17): 42

Catholic Schools
Elementary schools: 217
Secondary schools: 40 (As of July 1, 2006)
Elementary school enrollment: 69,995
Secondary school enrollment: 28,230

Religious Education
Enrollment in elementary school programs: 100,839
Enrollment in secondary school programs: 11,227

Seminary System
Quigley Prep. Seminary - Enrollment: 196
St. Joseph College Seminary - Enrollment: 44
Mundelein Seminary - Enrollment: 212

Seminary Discernment/Formation Programs
Abramowicz House: 8
Casa Jesus: 21
Tuite Program: 2

Catholic Colleges & Universities
5 Catholic colleges and universities serving 46,500 students

Catholic Charities
870,000 people served
168 types of services
157 locations

Catholic Cemeteries
47 Catholic cemeteries
18,600+ annual interments

Catholic Hospitals
21 Catholic hospitals
2.2 million people assisted annually

Diocesan Priests, Deacons, Women and Men Religious, and Lay Personnel in the Archdiocese
Diocesan Priests (including active and retired) 830
Religious Priests: 822
Religious Brothers: 291
Women Religious: 2,271
Permanent Deacons: 607
Certified Pastoral Associates: 78
Pastoral Ministers : 604
(includes Ministers of Care, liturgists, music directors, Hispanic ministers, RCIA leaders and parish nurses.)

Full-time Teachers and Administrators in Archdiocesan School System
Elementary Schools: 3,867
Secondary Schools: 1,769
Total: 5,636

YEAR OF EVANGELIZATION - January 2006 to December 2006

Cardinal George declared 2006 as the Year of Evangelization. In doing this, he expressed our common call as “…a mission for the whole Archdiocese, a revival of our faith for those who are active and an invitation to those who are inactive.” One highlight was the Catholic Festival of Faith designed to inspire Catholics to deepen and spread their faith. This featured programs, speakers, discussions and vendors. Along with the ongoing efforts of the Office for Evangelization, MISSION CHICAGO was introduced as a series of events taking place around the Archdiocese in parishes and schools that focused on evangelization and conversion to Jesus Christ. Hundreds of other events in various languages complemented the missions.