Is Mary more special than other saints? And why is she "Immaculate"?
Why does Mary have to be such a special person? All of the saints were chosen by God, and they were just as faithful as she was. What makes her so different?
Mary, the Mother of God, is an extraordinary person. She is extraordinary because God chose her as the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. God preserved her from original sin in preparation for this important work of being the mother of Jesus. She is truly the first follower of Jesus, the first to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. There is no other person who had a job like Mary's.
For these reasons, the Church has honored Mary from early times as a special and important person in God's plan of salvation. The Church has traditionally honored those who have been good examples to us such as the saints you mentioned. God chose them as God chose Mary, but not for a role as unique as her role.
Mary was also an ordinary person who shows us the meaning of daily fidelity to God. She did housework and cooking. She was a parent, and she worried as we all do over daily trials. Her example of faith and dedication to what seem like small tasks helps us.
She always believed that God 'Was there to help her. She is also in heaven, ready to comfort and help us. Her extraordinary role in the life of Jesus places her in a special position to help us. Mary is a perpetual help, and you can always depend upon her. |