News and Views

Why do we light candles?

“ What is the value of lighting a candle in church? It seems such a useless gesture since prayers are the real thing.”

Lighting candles is one of many customs that can be found in most of the world's religions. Lit candles, in church or at home, in front of a picture or statue of a favorite saint, serve a symbolic function.

The light of the candle represents our desire that our prayer may be constant, as Saint Paul urged. Our desire to remain in church praying is captured in this simple lit candle. The candle bums while we go about our daily tasks, symbolizing our desire to be at prayer with God.

Similarly, Tibetean Buddhists spin prayer wheels and believe that as long as the wheels spin a prayer is offered. Let's not forget, candles give light and banish the darkness. For Catholics they symbolize the Light of Christ, by whose death and resurrection we were saved.

Lighting a candle certainly isn't a required act. You can pray without lighting candles, without statues, without anything but your faith in God. However, we Catholics love our symbols. We like to engage all of our senses in our prayer experience: beautiful churches, colored light, incense, great music and, yes, candles.

As you say, the most important thing is to keep praying, for that is the real thing. One extreme position to avoid is lighting a candle hoping it will cause something else to happen, like the sudden cure of a loved one or relief from financial ruin. We are to avoid all appearance of using candles as if they have an untapped, magical power, but nevertheless to respect this beloved custom.