News and Views

Do People still attend devotions to Mary?

“Today Church attendance is down in many areas of our country. I used to attend devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help every week. Are these devotions down too?”

In some parishes, attendance at devotions of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is not as great as it once was. However, this is not the case worldwide. We see even more people attending these devotions in places like the Philippines, Brazil, and in parts of the United States.
As our Lord was dying on the cross, he gave his mother to "the disciple whom he loved," as our Mother (John 19:26). She is a tremendous interces­sor for us and, like any good and loving mother, she is always there to help us.

Many people attest to her intervention and protection in Our Mother of Perpetual Help, a quarterly newsletter. One such incident was described by a missionary priest who worked along the Amazon River in Northern Brazil. The engine of his motor boat died during a storm on the river. The wind and waves of the storm battered the little boat, which began to fill I with water. The crew prayed to Mary as they worked to stay afloat. A larger I boat suddenly appeared and towed them to shore. Later, the priest noticed I the name of the savior ship: Nossa Senhora do Perperuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help).

In many areas of the world, great numbers of non-Catholics also attend devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. It is an enlightening and rewarding experience for all Christians.